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How To Reduce Red Eye The Easy Way With Any Pro Or Point & Shot Camera

There is one simple technique any body can do to eliminate red eye. It can be done with any type of flash on any camera because red eye only happens when using flash. Red eye is the result of a burst of light causing the reflection from the back of the eye blood vessel. I'm not a doctor or an expert on eyes but you get the idea.

Camera companies like Canon, Nikon, Minolta, Pentax, and Olympus have a thing called pre flash on consumer point and shot cameras and some really expensive ones also.

Pre flash also serves as an auto focus aid for these type of cameras.

Red eye is more relevent in the point and shot consumer type camera.

Have you ever noticed pro photographers have their camera flashes way up high or on top of the camera? The reason for this is because we as pros know the reason for red eye and how to eliminate it.

It is simple - keep the flash from directly going into your subjects eyes whether it is your relative, or pet.

Before you Take another photograph tilt your point and shot down ward a bit so the light from the flash does not go directly into the eyes of your subject.

Be sure to practice this because we know we like to take fun and creative pictures.

So the next time you are ready to take that important picture just tilt the camera a little.

John Franco - Hi Visit my website Avanti Photography .net or


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